
What are you going to dream about?

IMGP6179.jpgMy daughter climbed in bed with us and as I snuggled her I heard a cackle! I jolted up to make sure it wasn’t a cry… when I then saw the biggest smile ever on my 3 year olds face.. she was sound asleep, she laughed again and you could see pure joy on her face. I desperately wanted to know what she was dreaming about, but didn’t want to wake her at the same time, so I softly whispered

“what are you dreaming about that made you laugh”

She replied eyes still closed

“Horseys, unicorn horseys! With rainbow hair!”

I said “wow” and she opened her eyes and told me:

“unicorn horseys are FAST and STRONG! ”

“Yes they are” I said “now go back to sleep and dream more about them”

She then Snuggled in close to me and asked “what are you going to dream about?”


mmmm “Horses too” I said as she fell back asleep

What do I want to dream about? My insomnia or “mom brain” has already kept me up past midnight…

what should I dream about.

If I could choose?

As I thought this, a memory came back to me of my older sister and I sharing a room together as kids, and once we were in bed in the dark we would ask one another what we were going to dream about that night. We would both pretend to open a filing cabinet in our mind and pick one of the fun things in our memories. Mine was usually animals, Scooby doo, tom and jerry, or some fun memory I had. Then we would close our eyes and dream about what we had chosen.

When did it get more complicated than that?

As I lay there thinking of what I wanted to dream about as an adult… I really couldn’t come up with much.. what dreams did I have? The obvious; debt free (boring) adorable kids, (duh every day) sweet hubby, cooking, hmmm… hobbies, a clean house, A spa day! But none made me feel as happy right then as that smile my daughter had on her face while she dreamt about unicorns.

I want to fall asleep and dream of a mystical land and forget adulthood.

Then I thought about my dreams for the future, for tomorrow, or for right now. What am I going to dream about (we’re getting deep here guys)

My days have seemed mundane, the same…. happy, but not laughing happy.

Let’s not lose our dreams

I’ll never forget the lesson my 3 year old taught me at something past midnight o’clock..

To never stop asking the question “what are you going to dream about”

Even if it is to just help you get to bed one night… I’m dreaming of a wonderful laughing happy day tomorrow!

and I think I’ll dream of unicorns with rainbow hair tonight!

Sweet dreams 💕


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